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Writer's pictureDave Polus

A Few Things We've Learned After 37 Years of Marriage

  1. Never underestimate the power of praying together everyday. It makes you love your spouse even more, and heals and restores as you join hands and pray for each other.

  2. Look for couples who inspire you to have a great marriage. Take them out for dinner and ask them what they do to keep their marriage strong and loving.

  3. Take regular date nights and laugh together. Keep finances, job issues, and problems with the kids out of the conversation. Don't allow your marriage to become a business relationship. Have fun!

  4. Just because you are married doesn't mean you have to stop being friends.

  5. Keep the kids and the t.v out of your bedroom.

  6. We take an overnight every few months. It refreshes our marriage and revitalizes our weary souls.

  7. Plan a time each week to talk about finances. Ignoring money will not cause it to go away. Take a course on money management and get on the same page.

  8. Learn to listen to your spouse. (We will talk about this in a future blog) Don't shut them down or shut them out. Listen to what they have to say.

  9. Hold hands and be affectionate in front of the kids. They need to see mom and dad in love.

  10. Never be alone with the opposite sex. Trust is critical to keeping a marriage close and healthy.

  11. Always speak well of your spouse in front of others even if an argument is brewing at home.

  12. Celebrate your spouse's strengths; don't focus on their weaknesses.

  13. Make a study of your spouse - their hopes and dreams, and support them.

  14. Hold your tongue - don't speak while angry and say something you regret.

  15. The more you love Jesus, the more you will love your spouse.

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