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Writer's pictureDave Polus

Catch a Tiger By the Tail

Updated: Nov 21, 2018

We all want a great marriage. Not an average one, or a mediocre one - but a marriage that is great. But how to you go from "mediocre to good to great" when you can hardly communicate, or agree on how much sex you should have, or even find time to go on a date? It's like trying to "catch a tiger by its tail." There are days when our marriage is the sweetest thing on earth, and other days when we annoy each other. The key to keeping your marriage fresh, fun, and growing is to keep in mind something we learned early on in our marriage. Don't sweat the small stuff. You know, those small irritations, the personality quirks, the idiosyncrasies that don't always change as the years go by. Dave is usually running late. I misplace things around the house. (those 23 organization books don't seem to help) We work on improving, but we don't let the small stuff come between us and drain the life out of our marriage. When we are fixated on the small stuff, it seems like our marriage is always in a perpetual state of unrest and we can't seem to "catch the tiger by the tail." The longer we are married the more we "let it go" and instead focus on enjoying each other.

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