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Writer's pictureDave Polus

Deposits and Withdraws

Updated: Mar 27, 2019

We all know that if you keep making withdraws out of your bank account pretty soon you are going to be in the red. Yes, you will have to pay those nasty overdraft fees. We confess we've been there, done that. But the opposite is also true. If you are wise, and carefully make deposits into your bank account, pretty soon you have a savings to draw from in an emergency. Marriage works the same way. You have to be intentional in making deposits. It's impossible to have a beautiful and durable marriage if each spouse is continually sucking the marriage dry (making withdraws) with unkind words, selfishness, and independence. If you are struggling to keep your marriage healthy and strong, ask yourself - are we making more withdraws than deposits?

TRUTH TO PONDER: For with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you.

DISCUSS TOGETHER: Without pointing the finger, what tends to drain the joy and life out of your marriage? What choices have you made that has made deposits in your marriage?

TRY THIS: Each of you choose one activity this week that will make a healthy deposit in your marriage.

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