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Writer's pictureDave Polus

Growing a Joy Filled Marriage

Finances, pressures and work, family, parenting, commutes, personal and health issues, all contribute to the stress that steals joy and life out of our marriages. Stress is inevitable, and life happens, so how can we grow and maintain a joy-filled, happy marriage?

If you have ever done any gardening you know there are no shortcuts to having a beauitful lawn or garden. When you drive by a house that has a beautifully manicured lawn, filled with flowers, tell yourself that you are looking at hard work. Gardens begin with the hard work of digging, planing, and watering, but then have to be continually maintained to keep the weeds out, but its worth it.

Just as we don't expect our gardens to grow beautifully by themselves, so why would we expect our marriages to grow beautifully without the daily work of pulling weeds and planting seeds? Ted Lowe said, "A joyess marriage doesn't typically happen with an explosion, but by erosion.

For Amy and I, what has breathed life into our marriage is scheduling fun times together on a regular basis. After almost 40 years of marriage, fun is not an option, it's a necessity. We can't wait for the big vacation, or the days off to start having fun. We need to be intentional about having fun and laughing together a little everyday and at least once a week. Proverbs 17:22 says it best, "A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." Do you need healing in your marriage? Don't wait until you have it all together - go have FUN now. Even if you haven't solved your latest disagreement, go have FUN now. Put in the comments what you love to do as a couple to have fun.

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