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Writer's pictureDave Polus

The Little Foxes

Song of Solomon says, "Take for us the foxes, the little foxes that spoil the vineyards (of our love), for our vineyards are in blossom. Song of Solomon 2:15 Amplified

This is an extremely valuable piece of wisdom for every marriage. It is the "little foxes" - that spoil the vineyard. What this means is that relationships are not usually spoiled by big mistakes, but the little things. It's those small offenses that, done over and over again, wear down the best of marriages. It's those small choices we think "won't matter", that spoils the love between us. Little things add up to big things over time.

Dave and I have seen that our marriage is strongest when we protect our marriage from the little things

that can divide us and quench our love for each other. We see our marriage as a beautiful garden that needs to be tended, and we diligently protect it from the weeds -those little foxes that can spoil it.

What we are committed to do:

1. Guard our heart - out of the heart flows the best or worst in us.

2. Watch our tongue - words hurt and divide.

3. Daily make wise choices - Small, unhealthy choices add up to big, destructive ones.

Marriage is like a garden. It needs intentional care and cultivation. When weeds grow, they must be pulled up from the root immediately. If we don’t pull up weeds by the root they will continue to grow back, eventually overtaking and killing the garden. Derwin L Gray

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