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Writer's pictureDave Polus

The Spirit of Valentine's Day

The legend of Valentine's Day is deeply rooted in ancient history. He was born in Terni, Italy in 226 AD and became a Christian at an early age. The Roman Emperor Claudius II commanded that no men in the Roman Legion could get married, which was problematic because in those times men typically served 20 years in the military. The legend states that he secretly defied Claudius and officiated many weddings and ministered to the persecuted and tortured imprisoned Christians in Rome.

He was later imprisoned for his objection to the emperor's law, and he was placed in prison. He was said to have also performed many healings, including healing his jailer's daughter from blindness. Eventually he was brought to a Roman prison where Claudius himself met him and took a liking to him. But when he refused to follow the emperor's order, he was executed. He supposedly wrote a note to a woman he loved on the eve of his execution detailing his affection for her and signing it, "Your dearest Valentine."

Valentinus lived a life of sacrifice and devotion. True love is not rooted in romantic feelings and sexual prowess, it is rooted in sacrifice, care and devotion. The Spirit of Valentine's Day is not about chocolates or roses or gooey cards, it's all about sacrifice. John, the Apostle of Love states in his first letter, "This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins." True love sacrifices to help others. Let this Valentine's Day be one where you sacrifice for those you love and demonstrate with actions, not just words, your love and affection for them.

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