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The Weakest Link

It's been said that a chain is only as strong as the weakest link. It cannot be just one spouse who is carrying the weight of the relationship - both spouses have to love and sacrifice and commit to each other completely to have a strong, healthy marriage.

Amy & I have counseled hundreds of couples and without exception the marriage can only go as far as the least common denominator - where both husband and wife are in unity and have the same intention and desire to love, serve and sacrifice for each other.

By no means are we endorsing a separation or split if husband and wife aren't on the same page. We're actually saying just the opposite - that husband & wife should work together and help each other to grow strong in love, dedication, sacrifice & service to each other. But even with two strong chain links or rope strands there is the possibility to be stronger still.

The author of Ecclesiastes writes, " A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." If we allow God to come in between the strands of our love, sacrifice & service, then we'll have a divine "third party" helping to strengthen the bonds of marriage and hold everything together well. Even if one of the links or strands of chord is weak, God can provide such a strength that the marriage won't be "quickly broken." So husbands and wives, don't be afraid if one or both of you are weak in an area of your love relationship, but identify the specific area (communication, romance, priorities, time commitments, work pressures) and seek to strengthen it by inviting God into the middle as the dominant strand or "master link."

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